Priscilla Morse, a mother from Tennessee, set out on a remarkable quest to rescue Ryan, a 7-year-old boy, from the grip of extreme malnourishment and disregard at an orphanage in Bulgaria.
Priscilla, 33, found Ryan on Facebook after seeing a disturbing picture of a skinny 7-year-old who weighed only 8 pounds. Priscilla was completely taken aback by Ryan’s skeletal appearance, which was adorned with hair and racked with visible veins from malnourishment. Priscilla, who was adopted as a child herself, was determined to give him the love and attention that every child deserves and realized she had to take action.
The first meeting at the orphanage in Bulgaria was intimidating. Priscilla was afraid for Ryan’s life because of his malnourished state. His skin was so thin that his veins were visible, and he looked like a mere skeleton. Despite the dire diagnosis, Priscilla remained steadfast in her resolve to adopt Ryan because of her personal experiences of love in a family.
Due to his stay at the orphanage, Ryan had serious trust issues with food. He would recite his food, a survival strategy acquired in a low-supply situation. Priscilla persevered despite the difficulties and grew close to Ryan while she was there. In spite of his frail appearance, he was happy to interact.
Priscilla and her husband traveled with Ryan from Bulgaria to Nashville in November 2015. When they arrived at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, the seriousness of Ryan’s illness astounded the medical staff. Refeeding syndrome, a problem with nutrient digestion, was a serious risk. The doctors were concerned and called social services, predicting a bad end.
Among his medical challenges were cerebral palsy, microcephaly, dwarfism, scoliosis, and severely clubbed feet, all of which were probably brought on by his stay in the orphanage. His intestinal feeding tube proved to be a lifesaver and the start of a gradual but steady recovery.
Despite the grim prognosis, Ryan’s progress was remarkable. He enrolled in public school as a third grader, defying expectations. His adoption into a loving family, alongside his adopted sister with Down syndrome, showcased the transformative power of love and care.
While the road to recovery remains long, Ryan’s story stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Priscilla’s unwavering commitment to Ryan’s well-being, coupled with medical intervention, has given him a new lease on life. From enunciating words to relishing Thanksgiving delights, Ryan’s progress radiates hope.
Priscilla highlights that, despite being disregarded frequently, children with special needs are entitled to the same love and care as regular children. Ryan’s path is a lighthouse, defying social norms and emphasizing the value of every child, no matter what obstacles they face.