Facial Changes That Point to Serious Health Problems

If there are any physical changes in your face, there are many things to watch out for.

If you encounter any of these four changes, it could be a sign of an undiscovered underlying medical condition.

For your own safety, continue to be watchful and proactive.

The picture displays a number of dilated pores that look to be either oxidized blackheads or sebum (skin oil), with some of them still holding debris. Additionally, there appear to be blackhead or potentially pustule extractions. It is evident where the blackheads have been removed from the skin since the extraction sites are visible as open pores.

Here are a few additional theories and hypotheses regarding the possible events depicted in this image:

1. Blackhead Extraction: This is perhaps a close-up of a skin-cleansing treatment in which blackheads are extracted with a comedone extractor instrument. Dilated pores that haven’t closed after extraction make up the residual holes.
2. Cystic Acne: In addition to the possibility that some of the bigger pores are connected to cystic acne, which involves deeply ingrained clogs that are more challenging to treat than ordinary blackheads, there may be indications of irritated pores.

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